
Scared Sophie shot Darth Vadar down!


Well, here is our latest ‘crazy lady’, the lovely Sophie Bazgier, who really gave it her all and passed her DAS, against all odds, she got what she came for and left with a certificate and a smile – which I imagine is still on her face bless her she was sooooooo happy!

And Sophie says: I was coming to MTS as my friend Kevin was riding with this school and he recommended it. He is a completely crazy person so do I and I took that as a good fortune sing. I was checking the price, as I was searching for a school before and their prices were quite scary. MTS got a perfect Price! I went for lessons with my private history, and for me it was really scary riding with guys. Be on the front and listen where I have turned plus English is my second language. Doing MOD1 in my head was like going to the cage with Darth Vader… and MTS people are so chilled, more so than Bob Marley. They gave me their relaxation, trust and fun and I passed! I still can’t believe it! I feel very very thankful for all of this experience. They have their own method: they are just chilled. They just say: take it easy, have fun… and you have fun! I recommend this school and experience 1000%%%% Thank You!