It’s a NOK out idea – the new NOKalert for peace of mind!
How do you ensure first responders can easily and quickly contact your Next of Kin if you have an accident?
If you wear a helmet for any reason, such as a motorcyclist, cyclist, skier, snowboarder, horse rider etc, how does anyone know who you are or who to contact without removing your helmet?
Well in answer to all our concerns Nick Tunstil has developed a simple but brilliant idea to ensure our NOK (next of kin) can be contacted in such a situation.
Nick, a motorcyclists himself, has been working on a simple but effective solution to ease all our concerns of “What happens if” and he’s come up with the NOKalert. Take a look at the video footage which explains how this brilliant little feature can give us all peace of mind when travelling round or enjoying our sports and hobbies.
Find answers to all your questions about the NOKalert on Nicks facebook page: