No messing For Jeremy!


A worthy smile from Jeremy Crowch of Horsham as he started with MTS in June doing his CBT, immediately booked a 3 day DAS course and look here – a first time pass on mods1 & 2! That’s exactly what you wanted hey Jeremy – and well done fella a superb few days riding resulting in a great pass!

I would just like to say a big thank you to the guys at MTS Hassock for seeing me through my CBT and DAS. The balance of professionalism and fun was first spot on. Huge thanks to Max for putting up with me for 4-days and getting me over the line! I’d also like to mention Ian and Ric (Sat-Nav) who were keen to share advice in between their own training schedule. In short – totally recommend MTS. Congrats to Alex, Stuart and Anthony also on passing. Thanks again!