MTS Team welcome the latest Honda Grom and another Yamaha MT-07 to kickstart spring 2022!
New for 2022 – our two newest additions to the MTS fleet – another brand new Yamaha MT-07 for DAS and a cute Grom (Honda MSX-125) for the ‘vertically challenged’ amongst us on CBT’s and New Rider Training!
So after many years of dedicated service to MTS, we have to say goodbye to Mrs Doyle, our beloved Yamaha SR125, she’s served us well and is many students favourite New Rider and CBT bike. But, she’s seen better days and goe into retirement to make way for the new funky Grom!
The new MT is the latest model with a few changes from last years models, a ‘transformer’ looking headlamp and different shape tank along with a couple of other techy spec upgrades, so a good start to the Spring months ahead.