A dream come true for Gill

A dream worth working hard for I think Gillian Webster-Ashcroft will agree – once those cone gremlins were overcome Gill did us all and herself proud by passing her Mod2 first time round – fantastic effort and such a well deserved pass for overcoming that mod1 nemesis, well done Gill!
A few words from the very proud lady herself before she rides off into the Sussex countryside on her Suzuki SV650:

Finally finished my DAS yesterday by passing Mod 2 on the first attempt.
Mod 1 was the test v my head and I can’t thank Matt, Nikki, Max and Rick enough for their patience, fab clear teaching and most importantly unswerving support at the times I convinced myself I couldn’t do it.
Having finally beaten the cones and the U turn, mod 2 was so much easier after all the detailed town and country riding training I’d been given. Was completely confident I knew everything I needed to know…it was just down to me to do it and they gave me that confidence.
Highly recommend these guys in all situations, but especially if you get a bit anxious on test…….and you also laugh a lot…. funniest guys ever.